Sale Date Ended
Save while you Spend.....But do not spend to Save
1) Learn how to manage your expenses;
2) Learn about various payment options;
3) Benefits of using a debit card that you never heard of;
4) How to make the most of a credit card without unnecessary spendings
5) How many cards do you need and which ones
6) Learn to make the most of your credit card Reward Points
7) Tools to keep a tab of your expenses.
Save while you spend is a workshop in which we help you understand where your money is going each month and how can you manage your expenses better. Whether it is using the right medium of making the payment or reducing some overheads, this workshop will help you organize your expenses.
Your bills can be paid using many cards, wallets, and cash. What is the best way to pay for an expense so that you can make the most out of it is also very crucial to your expense management and savings.
Using credit cards can be very rewarding but are you swiping just for that and incurring huge bills. A single default on your credit cards monthly statement can ruin your financial plan for months. In this workshop, you will learn the RIGHT and EFFECTIVE ways of making the most of your credit cards without burning a huge hole in your pockets.
We shall discuss different kinds of cards available, credit cards options, expenses for which you should use credit cards, how to use the reward points, Air miles and lounge access, etc. This workshop is all about where are we spending our money and how to make the most of it?