Book Online Tickets for 6-DAYS GRATITUDE CHALLENGE, .  
Gratitude can make great shifts happen. It has the power to change lives. A few years ago, when attending a workshop, I realized how I had not been consciously feeling thankful.  I began my gratitude practices then. And have continued the



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Gratitude can make great shifts happen. It has the power to change lives. A few years ago, when attending a workshop, I realized how I had not been consciously feeling thankful.  I began my gratitude practices then. And have continued them all the way in some form or the other. It has tremendously added to my calm, courage, resilience, optimism and the quality of my relationships.


I wish to offer to you that which shifted my life is so many ways. Join me for a 6-day journey (Online workshop) as we raise our consciousness to the next level through different gratitude practices- "6- Day Gratitude Challenge".

What outcomes am I looking at for you? 

Our ancient brain is wired to look for negatives and that which is bad, in order to keep us safe. So we are constantly scanning for all that is wrong, even when everything is going great!! We don't want to become ignorant to dangers but we will become more open to the good. And will nurture our happiness & emotional well- being. A shift in level of consciousness, along with raising your vibrational frequencies since gratitude aligns us with universal energies.


How will it be conducted?

The workshop will be conducted as a Closed Online group. I will be sharing daily lessons in video and document format, that includes an activity to be completed. It would require 10-15 minutes of daily time. 

To register-

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2) Tag 1 or more friends.

3) After completing the above 2 steps- DM us GRATITUDE. The link to join the workshop will be shared.

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Thank you!

Dr. Preeti Chawla

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