At the heart of the Amar Chitra Katha, the story has always been the values that we as a nation have inherited. The idea to preserve these stories and make them accessible was such a powerful one that for five decades these comic books have been read, passed on, reread and internalized.
Today, we take the next leap in our journey. We cordially invite you to the opening of the first ACK Alive – A Centre for Learning, in Hyderabad. A centre with the stories that we have inherited at its core and the values that we find in them at the very heart of it.
We take inspiration from a tiny portion of Krishna’s story: Guru Sandipani spent 64 days teaching Krishna and Balarama 64 arts or Kalas. They would learn the art in the mornings and at night, they would practice, mastering each one by the next morning.
At ACK Alive, we cannot teach all those arts, some lost to time, some not relevant to modern children. But we can help children and adults explore their creativity, find a route to their roots and an understanding of who they are. Offering a variety of courses and learning modules in fields across life skills, performing arts, arts, and design, and ethics, ACK Alive is for engaging learning and unrestrained imagination. Central to each offering is the great Indian values central to our philosophy and the unrelenting desire to promote and preserve indigenous art and folk forms.
We welcome you to embark on a journey of self-discovery through arts, stories, performances and cultural immersions.
We welcome you to the next step for Amar Chitra Katha.
We welcome you to ACK Alive.
Come and experience the centre with us, we have game stalls and free taster workshops for all ages starting 3 to 40+. We also have a special kids zone for a 3-8 year where you can let them loose while they put on their creative hats and create their own masterpieces of art.