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Basic Excel Techniques: What-if analysis, Vlookup, Index, Match, List, Conditional Formatting & Mean, Advanced Pivot Table
Advanced Excel Techniques: Descriptive Analysis, Histogram & Charting, Correlation Matrix, Standard Deviation, Variance
Basic Analytics Using Excel: Regression, Hypothesis Testing, Normal Distribution, Forecasting, Net Present Value, Future Value, EMI Calculation
Business Analytics Using Excel: RFM Analysis, Customer Lifetime Value Analysis, Customer Profitability Analysis
The use of Business Analytics is widespread across all industries and functions, including Information Technology, Web/E-commerce, Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Banking and Insurance, Biotechnology, Human Resource Management. Some of the application areas include critical product analysis, target marketing, customer lifecycle management, customer service, social media behavior and link analysis, fraud detection, genetic research, inventory management, etc.
Below a list of a few Business Analytics roles across industries: