Sale Date Ended
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata presents one of the greatest singing competitions of the city giving an opportunity to showcase your talents.
The competition shall be held in two rounds: prelims and final.
PRELIMS: 25.03.2017, 10:00 a.m. onwards
FINAL: 26.03.2017, 9:30 a.m. onwards
Submit the REGISTRATION FEE: 25.03.17 from 08.30 am to 09.45 am.
The following rules and regulations will be observed strictly during the prelim:
• Each participant will have to submit a registration fees of ₹100 on the day on the prelims.
• Each participant will get 5 minutes to perform.
• Recorded tracks are allowed. The participant has to submit the recorded track in a CD. It is advisable to bring a copy in a pen-drive to avoid unforeseen difficulties.
• Participants can be accompanied by instruments. Each participant can either use a recorded track OR maximum two instruments at a time. If the participant plays any instrument, it will be counted as one.
• The judges' choice will be taken as final.
• The organizers have the right to disqualify any participant if they find any on-stage comment or gesture illicit or inappropriate to the occasion.
The following rules and regulations will be observed strictly during the finals
• Each participant will get 10 minutes to perform.
• Recorded tracks are allowed. The participant has to submit the recorded track in a CD. It is advisable to bring a copy in a pen-drive to avoid unforeseen difficulties.
• Participants can be accompanied by instruments. Each participant can either use a recorded track OR maximum two instruments at a time. If the participant plays any instrument, it will be counted as one.
• The judges' choice will be taken as final.
• The organizers have the right to disqualify any participant if they find any on-stage comment or gesture illicit or inappropriate to the occasion.
Prize Money: ₹5000
For further information contact
Ritwik Sadhu: 7059813809
Anwesha Chakravarti: 8335894888