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This is to bring to your notice that Jayanthi Sreejeevika Foundation in association with UN GCNI (United Nations Global Compact Network India) is presenting a Conference on “Awareness Quotient – UN SDG Agenda” on the August 23, 2018 (Thursday) in Hotel Trident, Hyderabad.
As you are aware, The UN Sustainable Development Goals - 2030 is a set of goals that are launched in 2015 which focuses on identifying, measuring impact in mitigating the global issues leading to the progressive & sustainable development by 2030. The UN SDG -2030 is a meticulous vision of the global intelligentsia which are accepted by the leaders of almost every Nation.
We are marking the completion of three years of the launch of these global goals by September 2018. However, we have to agree that we need to work harder to understand them well and get aligned leading to National Development effectively. The Conference is aimed to bring in the participation of the Government, the Corporates, the Industries , the Academicians & Individuals to discuss how can we all together integrate the aspects of Business & Strategies to the CSR & the Sustainable Development of the Society, having the UN SDG – 2030 Agenda as a hallmark for our responsible action.