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BBS Training – Behaviour-Based Safety is about integrating behavioural technology into the management safety system in your company. It is vital to understand the significance of Behaviour-Based Safety and implement the concerned practices and procedures in order to manage the safety management system in the workplace. Behavioural technology is the system and process for applying the laws and principles that govern human behavior to achieve behaviour change.
Behaviour-Based Safety (BBS) is a process that helps employees to identify and choose a safe behavior over an unsafe one. The major objective of an effective Behaviour-Based Safety process is to make safe behaviour a habit.
This BBS training will help the participants to understand the importance of Behaviour-Based Safety in safety management system. They use a combination of methods to give people the information, skills and willingness to work more safely, to maximise their learning and to apply what they learn to the real world.
Such training will help your safety system to sustain & improve through psychological interventions.
We offer a variety of custom built worker safety training options to fit your requirements – both for management & workers.
However, Consultivo Academy can design & develop this course for any set of target participants as per the need of the organisation.
One day implementation course
Two day implementation course
The course-duration can be chosen depending on the requirement, course coverage and target participants.
The implementation of BBS showed positive significant changes of employee behaviour in any industry. It also helps to improve awareness of the influence of behaviour on an individual’s safety. The behaviour changes results in positive consequences for the individual and are likely to see safe habits.
One Day Implementation course:
Two Day Implementation course:
Session I: Introduction to Behaviour-Based Safety
Introduction to course objectives
What is Safety Excellence Process?
What is Behaviour?
Type of Safety behaviours
Difference between behaviour and attitude
Accident Causing Factors/ Accident Sequence
Lost time Injury Iceberg
What is Behaviour-Based Safety?
Type of Behaviours
Why People Tend to do Unsafe acts/At Risk Behaviours?
Session II: Behavioural Modification Basic Principles & Technique
Antecedents-Behaviour-Consequence (ABC)
Model of Behaviour and Key Behaviour Principles
Positive and negative reinforcements
Sequence of Behavioural Change
Myths of Behavioural Based Safety
Session III: Developing Enterprise level Behavioural Based Safety Management Systems
Key elements of Enterprise Level Behavioural Based Safety Programme
Observation & Feedback Systems
Tracking BBS Performance
Planning, Implementing & Monitoring of Observations
Measuring Performance of Behavioural Safety Programme
Road Map / Methodology for Design & Implementation of BBS
Session IV: Implementing BBS at Enterprise Level
Process Requirements / Methodology
Roles & Responsibilities
Session V:
Evaluation of Learning and Summing-up
Experience Sharing