Book Online Tickets for Bharat Bhagya Vidhata-The Play, Pune. This year as the nation celebrates the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhiji, a National Committee has been constituted under the Hon’ble Prime Minister ShriNarendraModiji. Following the success of Yugpurush the play, ShrimadRajchandra Mi

Bharat Bhagya Vidhata-The Play


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This year as the nation celebrates the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhiji, a National Committee has been constituted under the Hon’ble Prime Minister ShriNarendraModiji. Following the success of Yugpurush the play, ShrimadRajchandra Mission Dharampur was invited by the Government to partner in the celebrations to commemorate Mahatma Gandhiji's 150th birth anniversary.  SRMD has been entrusted by the Government to launch a world- class play which is now ready and is titled “Bharat BhagyaVidhata”The play presents the viewers with an invitation to peep into the conscience of Gandhi and experience his inner contemplation, through a series of life events. In the midst of anycircumstance that Gandhiji was faced with, he displayed profound maturity and wisdom. Gandhiji underwent great inner work, as a result of which he could perceive a seemingly ordinary event differently and respond to it differently.

It was these responses and choices that created the Mahatma. Each of his values- Truth, Non-Violence, Aparigraha, Brahmacharya (celibacy), simplicity, honesty etc. came were result of deep inner churning. This was the reason why, these values would effortlessly reflect in his every act, word and deed. Gandhiji who committed his life to the cause of Swaraj, also shared a unique bond with his wife, Kasturba. The play also brings forth Kasturba’s contribution and the unswerving support that she extended as an equal throughout Gandhiji’sjourney.This is a Gujarati drama with free entry.

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