Book Online Tickets for BIG LEAP, Bengaluru. Big Leap is a series of mock sessions, happening every 20 days with live funding final showdown at the end of 40 days, across various cities and locations in India to enable and empower startups of the country. This is a unique, one of its kind missi



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About The Event1

Big Leap is a series of mock sessions, happening every 20 days with live funding final showdown at the end of 40 days, across various cities and locations in India to enable and empower startups of the country. This is a unique, one of its kind mission of NAMAN ANGELS, with an objective of giving every startups, from every walk of life and location,a dais to express, engage, elevate and evolve int higher opportunities of growth and Investor Funding. 


We will get an opportunity to meet right startups where you can mentor them post the event and we together can help them by mentoring and getting them on the stage with right perceptive, attitude along with right numbers to win the show.

Criteria for the session:
1. 15 Startups shortlisted for each mock session - This may call for aligning a minimum of 30 startups sending their pitch decks and 15 of them selected for the day
2. 9 Startups will be on the dais to present to the Jury
3. The remaining 5-6 startups which are not selected for the presentation will be the audience for the mock pitch series and also have an INTERACTIVE SESSION with the Jury member in the ratio of 1:4 or 3 
4. The Mock Pitch session shall be for 90 Minutes Only - with 10 minutes for each startup - 7 minutes for the pitch presentation and 3 minutes for Q & A with the Jury - Time is the supreme judge.
5. Post the Mock Pitch session - the startups will be given a 1:4 INTERACTIVE SESSION with the Jury - for next 30 minutes - in which the startups which didn't get chance to present shall also participate. This gives the window to analyze rights and wrongs over a nice cuppa coffee!
6. Post which the jury rating will be handed over to the organizers and 3 startups will be selected for final mentoring before the Final Showdown. From the 30 startups, after the final mentoring sessions, 10 startups will be for the FINAL SHOWDOWN WITH THE INVESTORS - in which the eligible startups may raise the funding. The remaining 20 may stand chance to present the subsequent FINAL SHOWDOWN season, post a little sharpening and fine tuning!

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