Welcome to the true culture of break dance. Elan 2017 provides a platform for all the passionate dancers to show their talent and mesmerize the audience. If you really dance from the heart, if dance runs through your veins and if dance is in every minute of your life........................... This is where you should be !!! So rise and shine. Dance with energy and Elan!! Coordination is what matters when it comes to a group performance. Break free is one such group dance event where one can show off their individual talents or spellbind the crowd with their coordination. It's time to move n shake n drop.
Date : 20th , 21st and 22nd of January 2017
Venue : IIT Hyderabad Permanent Campus
Prize : 1st position : Rs 25000
2nd position: Rs 15000 + goodies
No. of members allowed : Minimum 6
The Event will be conducted in 2 rounds - Prelims and Finals.
Minimum size of the team-6.
All the registered teams shall participate in prelims.
Six teams will be shortlisted from the prelims and will be performing in the finals.
During the whole competition, at any given time, minimum of 4 performers should be on the stage.
During the prelims each team will be given 3-5mins to perform.
The song must be of 6-9 minutes long for finale.
Participants should not perform the song (or part of the song) which was performed during the prelims in the finals. This means, they cannot use the movement sequences of duration greater than 15 secs/music of their previous performances in coming rounds.