Book Online Tickets for Canva Mastery Workshop - Batch 4, . Canva is a powerful tool with which one may design attention-grabbing collaterals such a flyers, business cards, infographics etc. Very few people know that Canva can also be used to create very powerful slide decks... Most of us create slide decks u

Canva Mastery Workshop - Batch 4


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Canva is a powerful tool with which one may design attention-grabbing collaterals such a flyers, business cards, infographics etc. Very few people know that Canva can also be used to create very powerful slide decks... Most of us create slide decks using the default MS Powerpoint which has stale templates, boring style formats etc. Also we tend to fill-in the slide with too much of text and make the audience sleep during the presentation...

If you want to a make a difference and master Canva from now on, here comes the opportunity. 

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