Sale Date Ended
About The Event
Theme: Earth Day - Global Warming
Paintings should reach us until 30th June 2020
Age Group: Group A: 6 till 9; Group B: 10 till 14
Name and contact details (In English Only):
Full name, Age (Day, Month and Year), Gender and Full Address including Phone Number and Email ID, must be maintained in the email, but not on the painting.
Materials for Painting:
Participants are free to use Crayons, Coloured Pencil, Water Colours, etc. Paintings shouldn't be in Black and White.
Type of Painting:
A neat and clear soft copy (scanned copy) of paintings will be accepted by Email. Any words, slogans or signatures on the paintings are not allowed.
Scanned copy of Paintings should be attached along with scanned copy of participant’s respective School’s identity Card displaying the Grade he/she is in.
Subject of Email:
Subject of Email should be “PraDaksh – Children’s Painting Competition 2020”
Submitting your Entries / Deadline:
Deadline for paintings to be received from the participants: Neatly Scanned Paintings must reach by email to by 30th June 2020.
Results would be published in our Facebook Page @PraDakshOrg during Last week of July 2020.
Give Away - Consolation Prizes by our Sponsors
Announcement of Awardees:
Awards (in Worth - Due to COVID-19 Situation):
Age Group 6 - 9 1st 2000 2nd 1000 3rd 500
Age Group 10 - 14 1st 3000 2nd 1500 3rd 750