Book Online Tickets for Creating a Financial Model for a VC Roun, Bengaluru.  This workshop is EXCLUSIVELY FOR FUNDED STARTUP FOUNDERS ( Seed and Angel Round). No matter the size of your endeavours, this workshop will have experts from great speakers from the Funded Startup Founders, who have gone to raise the pre-s

Creating a Financial Model for a VC Round Funding


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About The Event1

 This workshop is EXCLUSIVELY FOR FUNDED STARTUP FOUNDERS ( Seed and Angel Round). 

No matter the size of your endeavours, this workshop will have experts from great speakers from the Funded Startup Founders, who have gone to raise the pre-series, series A and further rounds on the dos and the don'ts that you have to have ready before you do your first pitch to a VC Fund.

This workshop is the start of a quarterly series from Startups Club that will bring together Founders of Startups that are Seed and Angel rounds of funding and getting prepped up to pitch to the VCs and various Funds that look at the series rounds.

We will have visiting experts address the selected participants at the workshop. The 3 hour workshop will allow strong networking amongst the participants and the visiting experts, understanding of the lookouts the VCs have to look at potential deals for themselves and finally to build a detailed financial model.

This Workshop is ONLY with INVITE and you will be required to fill this form availabe at meetups sesction in our website(sign up on the website to access) and we will get in touch through a call for a verification and understanding of your business model. This is purely to make this workshop most productive for you.

This is a FREE workshop powered by HSBC and supported by some of the best VCs and Funds in the ecosystem. There are only 30 seats and so, the earlier you register, the possibility of you locking your place for this workshop is possible.

Thank you
Team Startups Club

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