Book Online Tickets for Data Science from machine learning and d, Pune. Research and developments in Data Science are driving advancements in many high-tech areas in the World including communications, entertainment, multimedia, medical and scientific field. Data Science, at its core, is concerned with transforming data

Data Science from machine learning and deep learning perspective


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About The Event

Research and developments in Data Science are driving advancements in many high-tech areas in the World including communications, entertainment, multimedia, medical and scientific field. Data Science, at its core, is concerned with transforming data into actionable knowledge. This fact makes Data Science well-suited to the present-day era where proper analysis of data can result in change the way the world operates. The sessions in the workshop will motivate the UG, PG students, Faculties and Research scholars for carrying out their experimental work. Laboratory sessions / Case Studies of the workshop give all the participants a better insight of concepts. This workshop, in association with Center of Excellence in Data Science covers Data Science techniques with practical exposure. It also aims to give participants a broad vision for their future research and development work in this field.


DATA SCIENCE :From Machine Learning and Deep Learning Perspective

DAY 1 (Introduction of data science)

SESSION 1(Theory: 9.30 am to 1 pm)

  1. 1. Overview of Data Science
  2. 2. Supervised vs Unsupervised learning
  3. 3. Principal Component Analysis
  4. 4. K-means clustering algorithm
  5. 5.Support Vector Machine algorithm
  6. 6.Decision Tree algorithm
  7. 7.K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm

SESSION 2(Practical: 2 pm to 5 pm)

Practical Hands on Session for implementing these algorithms

DAY 2(Machine Learning Perspective)

SESSION 1(Theory: 9.30 am to 1pm)

  1. Linear Regression
  2. Logistic regression
  3. Neural Network
  4. Deep Learning Fundamentals
  5. Convolutional Neural Networks

SESSION 2(Practical: 2 pm to 5 pm)

Practical Hands on Session for implementing these algorithms with case studies


1.Elementary programming and use of command line

2.Basic probability and linear algebra

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