DevOps Foundation Certification Exam
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DevOps Foundation
This sixteen (16) hour course provides an introduction to DevOps ô°€ the cultural and professional movement that stresses communication, collaboration, integration and automation in order to improve the flow of work between software developers and IT operations professionals. Improved workflows will result in an improved ability to design, develop, deploy and operate software and services faster.
Certificate: DevOps Foundation
Class culminates with an independent Foundation exam. Successfully passing (65%) the 60 minute exam, consisting of 40 multiple-choice questions
Detailed Course Outline
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Course Introduction |
DevOps Organizational consideration |
Why DevOps? |
Promoting Collaboration |
What is DevOps? |
Improving Communication |
DevOps and IT Performance |
DevOps Practices |
DevOps and Automation |
DevOps Automation Practices |
Measuring DevOps Success |
DevOps Tool Chain |
DevOps Principles |
Adopting DevOps Culture |
DevOps Patterns |
Practical Exercises to start DevOps Journey |
DevOps and other Frameworks |
Exam Information and Sample Paper |
DevOps Culture |
Discussion Summary and Next Steps |