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Sale Date Ended
Digital Marketing Workshop
We understand that most start-ups have difficulty in Branding, Position and Marketing for their Business. This could be due to a lack of Knowledge on Digital Marketing or Limited Marketing Budget. The Workshop shall create a perfect environment to better equip the Start-up founders to think through their Marketing and Digital Presence.
It is a one-day event and the agenda are as follows:
Module 1
1) Introduction To Marketing
a. Different Types of Marketing
b. Understanding your Audience
c. Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Avenues
2) Importance of being relevant
3) The Art of Story Telling
4) Social Mix
d. Social Media Channels and their significance
e. Creating Impactful messaging on Social Media
f. Harnessing the power of Social Media
g. Creating Posts on Canva, Adobe Spark and Boomerang
Q & A
Module 2
1) Fit Marketing In Your Budget
2) Digital Advertising
3) Ecommerce Marketing
4) Affiliate Marketing
5) Email Marketing
6) Making use of WhatsApp
Pass details (LUNCH INCLUDED):
Social enterprises: Rs. 1750
Early Birds (bookings till 10th, 12:00 AM): Rs. 1850