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About The Event Disruptive AgriTech startups in Hyderabad
A disruptive technology is a new use technology that breaks the business models of the companies thereby making space for new market and value network.
Agriculture is that sector of our country which needs to transform every now and then and these startups have not only thought of the disruptive innovations but also applied these technologies in agriculture which catered to sort various problems in agriculture and its produce thereby reducing the excess workload of farmers.
This Event will be held in January 2019 edition of Startup Saturday Hyderabad.Come, learn and discover what it takes to successfully setup, operate and convert a farming land into a profitable venture.
02:30 pm - Registrations
03:00 pm - Introduction to Headstart Network Foundation
03:30 pm - Speaker-1: CEO Bala Reddy, Our Food
03:50 pm - Speaker-2: CEO Pradeep, Thanos
04:10 pm - Speaker-3: TBD
04:30 pm - Panel Discussion
05:15 pm - Networking Session
Venue: Vindhya C4, CIE, IIIT-H, Gachibowli, Hyderabad (map link -
Startup Saturday started in 2008 as a platform to provide inspiration &
insights from successful entrepreneurs and networking with like-minded
entrepreneurs and startup enthusiasts.
Organized by Headstart Network Foundation, a non-profit organization,
aimed at fostering & promoting entrepreneurship at the grassroot level
across India, Startup Saturday takes place on the second Saturday of
every month across 23 cities.