Book Online Tickets for Hyderabad Instagrammers Meetup 2.0, Hyderabad. We are all stuck with jobs that we don’t like, when instead, we wanted to be Travelers, Food Bloggers, Fashionistas, Fitness Enthusiasts, Artists and more. But now, with Social Media, we have the opportunity to live a second life, a Version 2.0

Hyderabad Instagrammers Meetup 2.0


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About The Event

We are all stuck with jobs that we don’t like, when instead, we wanted to be Travelers, Food Bloggers, Fashionistas, Fitness Enthusiasts, Artists and more. But now, with Social Media, we have the opportunity to live a second life, a Version 2.0.

All over Instagram, there are people who give us a sneak-peak into their daily lives. From their office, their gym, their home, a local tea shop, when they dress up for a party or when they dress down while enjoying their Me-time! The Internet is their platform and their Instagram profile is their canvas. They use internet to showcase their creative side that they normally don’t get to explore through their day jobs.

‘You anyway waste time on Social Media. So why not use that time to click a photo, make an Instagram post and become a Creator?’, these Instagrammers say. In this process, they have become Instagram Influencers, amassing a following who look up to them for inspiration. Some have even made Instagram a profession, living a life doing what they love.

Now is your chance.

At HydInstaMeet 2.0, we give you an opportunity to learn from these Instagram celebrities. On Jan 21st, you will get to witness five brilliant speeches and one excellent food blogging workshop so that you learn how you can turn your daily life into an Instagram profile that others would like to follow!

But that’s just not it. We also have an ‘Elevator Pitch Contest’, where we give YOU an opportunity to tell us everything about your Instagram profile within 60 seconds to an audience of 200+. If we like your pitch the best, then you walk away with some cool prizes and if not, you will anyway get followers among the audience who like your profile! At HydInstaMeet 1.0, we had 22 people who decided on-the-spot to participate and just talk about their Instagram profiles. Even when they didn’t have one, they spoke about what they wanted to do through their Instagram and the audience loved it! You sure wouldn’t want to miss this chance. To know more about the ‘Elevator Pitch Contest’, keep watching our Facebook page and Instagram accounts.

To watch our previous event photos and videos, check out and

We hope to see you there! :-)

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