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ISACA Chennai Conference 2024
Conference: Redefining Digital Trust in the AI Era
Tagline: Strategic | Secure | Sustainable
Overview: As we delve deeper into the Artificial Intelligence (AI) era, the exchange between technology an

ISACA Chennai Conference 2024 - Redefining Digital Trust in the AI Era


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ISACA Chennai Conference 2024

Conference: Redefining Digital Trust in the AI Era


Tagline: Strategic | Secure | Sustainable


Overview: As we delve deeper into the Artificial Intelligence (AI) era, the exchange between technology and trust has become a cornerstone of digital strategy. The “Redefining Digital Trust in the AI Era” conference is an essential convergence of global experts, innovators, policymakers, and industry leaders aimed at tackling one of the most pressing issues of our times—building and maintaining trust in digital and AI-driven systems.


Digital trust is not merely about technology—it’s about the confidence users and stakeholders place in an organization’s ability to protect, secure, and ethically manage the data and AI systems that drive modern enterprises. With AI’s integration into daily business processes and critical infrastructure, the need to establish robust frameworks for trust has escalated. These frameworks are crucial not only for operational integrity but also for aligning with ethical standards and regulatory requirements that are becoming increasingly stringent worldwide.


This conference will address the multi-faceted challenges of digital trust through a comprehensive agenda that spans strategic planning, cybersecurity, and sustainable AI practices. Attendees will gain insights into:


Policy and Governance: How can we develop effective policies that govern AI without stifling innovation? What roles do transparency and accountability play in enhancing trust?

Ethics and Compliance: As AI systems become more autonomous, the ethical implications grow. We’ll explore how organizations can navigate the complex terrain of AI ethics and compliance.

Technology and Innovation: With the rapid advancement of AI technologies, keeping security measures and trust mechanisms up to date is a challenge. This track will showcase the latest innovations that are setting new standards in AI security and trustworthiness.

Impact and Implementation: Understanding the real-world impact of AI and trust frameworks on business operations and society at large is vital. Discussions will focus on case studies and practical implementations that have successfully bridged the trust gap in digital environments.

By bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, and ensure AI is used responsibly, securely, and sustainably, thereby enhancing trust in digital technologies for all stakeholders.




  • Strategic: This track focuses on the overarching strategies that organizations should adopt to enhance trust in AI technologies. Sessions will cover policy development, ethical AI frameworks, and strategic planning to harness AI’s potential responsibly.
  • Secure: Dedicated to the security aspects of AI, this track will delve into the technicalities of safeguarding AI systems and data. Topics include cybersecurity measures, risk management in AI deployments, and techniques to counter AI threats.
  • Sustainable: Exploring the sustainability of AI systems in a broader context, this track addresses the long-term impacts of AI on society and the environment. Discussions will revolve around sustainable AI practices, the role of AI in supporting ESG goals, and ensuring equitable benefits of AI.

    Contact for details 
    95000 67766 / 044 24984331

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