Book Online Tickets for Online Training -- Oracle SQL in 2 Weeks, Hyderabad. Learn Oracle SQL in 2 Weeks -- Online Training

When: Saturday 7th March  to Friday 20th March 2020
Who Can Attend?Freshers/Graduates/Aspiring SQL Developers/Business Analyst/Data Analyst/others.
Online Training.
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Online Training -- Oracle SQL in 2 Weeks


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Learn Oracle SQL in 2 Weeks -- Online Training

When: Saturday 7th March  to Friday 20th March 2020

Who Can Attend?
Freshers/Graduates/Aspiring SQL Developers/Business Analyst/Data Analyst/others.


Online Training.

Note: Joining Details will be shared with registered candidates.

What will you learn?

After attending this SQL Training, the participants will get a clear idea of the Oracle Database, write SQL Queries easily, extract data from the database and understand the logic behind any Queries.

Trainer: Mouzzam Ali

Agenda :

  • Introduction to Oracle, RDBMS
  • Working with SQL Languages (DRL, DML, TCL, DCL, DDL)
  • Schema Objects: Tables, Views.
  • Getting started with Select Query to retrieve data from the database.
  • Operators: 1. Arithmetic 2. Comparison 3. Logical
  • Functions: 1. Single Row 2. Multiple Rows or Group Functions
  • Joins (Retrieving data from Multiple Tables) 1. Cartesian Product 2. Equi Join 3. Non-Equi 4. Self-Join 5. Outer Join ( Left/Right)
  • Subqueries: Query inside a query 1. Single Row 2. Multiple Rows 3. Multiple Columns.
  • SET Operators: 1. Union All 2. Union 3. Minus 4. Intersect
  • Integrity Constraints: 1. Not Null 2. Unique 3. Primary Key 4. Foreign Key 5. Check
  • DDL (Create, Rename, Alter, Truncate, Drop)
  • DML: 1. Insert 2. Update 3. Delete
  • TCL (Savepoint, Commit, Rollback)

Note: Training material will be provided. 

About the Trainer :

Mouzzam Ali is an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) in the SQL and PL/SQL development track. He has been working as a Business Data Analyst. His experience includes Design, Development, and Analysis of Database and Reporting. He has excellent Presentation and Communication Skills. He has been delivering Corporate/Classroom/Online trainings on Oracle SQL, PL/SQL, and MS-Excel (Basic/Intermediate/Advanced).

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