With the festive season on full throttle, DLF Mall of India is hosting an interactive Master Class with Shivesh Bhatia, a popular baker and author. The activity is part of a 20-day long festival ‘Food for Every Mood’ in association with Delhi Secret Supper Club (DSSC).
Shivesh will be conducting a cooking demonstration to showcase the most decadent baking recipes from his cookbook. The workshop will encapsulates the tips and tricks by the expert himself on baking and food styling.
DLF Mall of India is all set to host a memorable experience for all the baking enthusiasts. Block your dates and register now, selected first 50 entries will get a chance to attend the event.
What- Master Class with Shivesh Bhatia
Date: 8th December 2019 (Sunday)
Time: 12 – 2:30 pm
Venue: Central Atrium, Ground Floor, DLF Mall of India