Book Online Tickets for Machine Learning Using Tensorflow with K, Chennai. Topics:

Basics of Machine Learning: Classification & Regression

Research Methodologies in Machine Learning

Introduction to Scikit-learn and other python packages

Load and Explore dataset with pandas.

deep neural classification


Machine Learning Using Tensorflow with Keraas


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About The Event1


  • Basics of Machine Learning: Classification & Regression

  • Research Methodologies in Machine Learning

  • Introduction to Scikit-learn and other python packages

  • Load and Explore dataset with pandas.

  • deep neural classification

  • RNN-LSTM time series analysis

  • CNN-convolutional image classification

  • Installation-TensorFlow, Keras, and Python.

During the day, workshop attendees will gain the following practical hands-on experience:

  • How to prepare, normalize, and encode data for deep learning systems.


  • How to install deep learning libraries including TensorFlow, Keras, and CNTK, and the pros and cons of each library.


  • How to create deep learning predictive systems for various kinds of data: classical business data, time series data (such as sales data), image data (such as the famous MNIST dataset for handwriting recognition).

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