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I’m going to go against the system here, and make a bold statement: The Education System Doesn’t work ….
Wish this 2018 will be the year of CHANGE FOR YOUR CHILD?
This could be the year your child get thats breakthrough in life.
Parents Have Now Discovered HOW Their Child Have Improved In Both Their Academics And Personality In Just 3 Months Using Our Proven System That Has Worked For Hundreds Of Kids. (I know this sounds too good to be true, but read on and let me tell you more.)
We have done our workshop and diagnostic coaching for over hundreds of students, so I know there is a smarter, easier, cheaper way to increase your child’s overall development.
You have to start thinking, “How am I as a parent”. I know it is a big question to ask yourself, but sometimes for most parents they would not know how to scale themselves. Others will question you and your emotions will run riot in your body as your self image digs
I’m telling this to you because I know that this is the biggest battle you will face as a parent and somebody who wants their child to grow and become something bigger than who they are right now.
With the recents news of cases linked to education rising yearly, what do we have to say about the current education system? Most of the parents I have met in India only understood the "direct approach".
BUT what if I told you that there are other ways to approach your child without the need to constantly nag at them. In this free seminar, parents can look forward to hear on these topics:
On top of that, I will be sharing with you the various techniques that can improve their overall development.
These are the EXACT same techniques that I have worked out for my students that have helped them to improve their overall development, no matter how they were at before that.
Now, the good news is that I will be doing this Coaching Session for a discounted price of INR 500 per family with good coffee and food provided.
On top of the seminar I am conducting for you, I am also providing a free diagnostic coaching session for your child. Now, the good news is that I will be doing this diagnostic coaching for you and your child absolutely FREE because of the launch of our new series.
The bad news, however, is that I can only afford to do this for the first 5 parents who signs up for the workshop.
I will see you real soon!