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About the Speaker – Aditya Kumar
Born and bred in Bihar, Aditya is an Engineer turned Entrepreneur & a Lifestyle Coach. Aditya has obtained his B.Tech. from BIT, Sindri. He has done Image Consultancy & Soft Skill courses from Image Consulting Business Institute, Ahmedabad,
In his life, Aditya faced various kind of physical ailments. During his stay in hospital’s ICU in a critical condition, he decided not to give up but to fight back & come up even stronger. His convictions led him to research on how get to get rid of various ailments through change in lifestyle. He rediscovered “POWER OF POSITIVITY” within himself to comeback in life.
Participants will learn the following:-
People desirous to explore their own or, their near & dear one’s own power to face the challenges of Life. People having conviction that "Where there is Will, there is a Way” would be most benefited.