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Principal Investigator Responsibilities in Clinical Research | GCP 2018


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Course "Onsite GCP Review and Update including the all-important 'Investigators Responsibility'" has been pre-approved by RAPS as eligible for up to 12 credits towards a participant's RAC recertification upon full completion.








This seminar is designed to acquaint all Participants with the Rules and Regulations that form the background of what is known as the GCP of Clinical Research. To follow "The Good Clinical Practices" (GCP) is to follow the standard for the design, conduct, performance, monitoring, auditing, recording, analysis and reporting of clinical trials that provides assurance that the data and reported results are credible and accurate and, most importantly, that the safety, rights, integrity, and confidentiality of trial subjects is protected.


That all members of the team must know and practice "GCP" guarantees, that the Protocol is followed, that the Informed consent is complete, that the study conduct is according to the protocol, that Adverse Events are correctly recorded and that the Principal Investigator knows well her/his responsibilities to follow what "GCP" stands for




Why you should attend:




It is now reasonable to expect that the Sponsor's should become more discerning regarding the GCP qualifications and training of the staff of any unit conducting studies on human volunteers. Investigators, as well as all site staff, must know how to assess how well the unit is complying with the regulation and the essence of GCP to assure the safety of the volunteers as this ultimately affects the safety of the public. Following GCP is also an assurance of a clean audit.




Areas Covered in the Session:




Session 1:


  • What was the reason the ICH was formed?
  • What is the essence of GCP
  • How does You QA group insure GCP
  • The PI/Investigators role in GCP
  • The Sponsors role in GCP
  • What is the end result of Dose response studies?
  • Does your Unit/CPU/CRU follow the 13 GCP Principles?
  • How following the signed Protocol is GCP


Session 2:


  • Investigators key role in the Clin. Research process
  • How following GCP helps assure a clean Audit
  • What are the main Investigator responsibilities?
  • How is the investigator is responsible for the IC?
  • What is the legal language of the FDA form 1572?
  • Why is Financial Disclosure information important?


Session 3:


  • The Primacy of the study Protocol
  • The Pi responsibility in the Protocol development
  • The Sponsors Responsibility in Protocol development
  • How to be sure the protocol is safe for the subjects
  • How to be sure the protocol is scientifically valid
  • How to insure the to protocol is ethically valid


Session 4:


  • What is a Protocol "Deviation" and other terms?
  • The Regulatory requirements for handling protocol deviations and violations
  • Importance of documentation of protocol deviations
  • What is the reason different IRBs define deviations and violations differently
  • What is the basis of the difference between a "Deviation" and a "Violation"


Session 5:


  • The historical background of why accurate data is essential for ensuring safety of study participants/Pt
  • The purpose of ensuring that all data is accurate, legible, contemporaneous, original and attributable
  • The regulatory requirements for care of source documents
  • What "To Do" and "Never Do" with regard to data including corrections?
  • What documents does the FDA review - always?


Session 6:


  • How to Assess and report AEs and SAEs
  • The CFR definitions of AEs, SAEs, and many more
  • How to know an Adverse Event and when to report it
  • Understanding laboratory AEs and the "Reference Range" concept
  • Common Mistakes in AE / SAE Reporting
  • Reporting of Adverse Events - when and to whom
  • how Data Safety Monitoring in Protects Volunteers


Session 7:


  • The Sponsor's responsibility in quality monitoring
  • Why Monitor Clinical Studies
  • What does a Monitor look for?
  • How does a Sponsor or Site prepare for an Audit?
  • What are the strategies to improve an audit outcome?
  • What does the FDA look at when Auditing/Inspecting a study?
  • What types of studies are targeted for auditing


Session 8:


  • The function of/reasons for an SOP in a CPU/CRU
  • How SOPs are set up
  • What areas of CPU management need SOPs
  • Who creates an/the SOPs
  • Who is responsible for the Unit's SOPs




Who will benefit:




This lecture series will provide invaluable assistance to industry study sponsors and those involved in Setting up the IND to follow the regulatory / legal responsibilities and also the ethical considerations in pharmaceutical product (IMP) research involving human subjects. Those benefiting the most would be:


  • The Study Sponsor
  • Principal Investigators and sub investigators
  • Clinical Research Scientists (PKs, Biostatisticians, ...)
  • Safety Nurses
  • Clinical Research Associates (CRAs) and Coordinators (CRCs)
  • Recruiting staff, QA / QC auditors and staff, & Clinical Research Data managers.










Day 1 Schedule




Lecture 1:


What is GCP and how does this concept improve data integrity and subject safety.The International Council on Harmonization leads the way


Lecture 2:


The Responsibilities of the Investigator and the relationship of the Investigator to the Sponsor and the IRB. The Regulations are quite clear in this regard. This includes the Informed Consent Process


Lecture 3:


In The Beginning: A solid Protocol; The basis of Drug Development starts with a medically sound Phase I Protocol, which defines Feasibility. Phase II and II Protocols must also be scientifically, medically, as well as ethically sound


Lecture 4:


How to Prevent or Handle Protocol Deviations and Violations to be GCP and Regulatory Compliant?


Day 2 Schedule


Lecture 5:


To conduct the Clinical Research study as if a person’s life depended on it - because it does


Lecture 6:


The Importance of Proper AE Determination and Reporting: How to handle AE's not in the Investigators brochure (IB) and properly assess the relationship between the AE and the product.


Lecture 7:


The Value of the Monitoring Process to an FDA Audit: including how a site or CRO prepares for an Audit and what the Auditors are finding.


Lecture 8:


The Importance of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in the operation of a FDA form 483 absent CPU/CRU








Charles H. Pierce



Charles H Pierce, MD, PhD, FCP, CPI from an original Master's thesis (MSc in Pharmacology) in 1961 (Minnesota) through a Doctorate in Surgery-Pharmacology in 1974 (Saskatchewan) and continuing throughout 48+ years in the practice of clinical medicine as a family physician (7 years as an ER doc) and 28+ years in the medical research industry (7 years as a Principal Investigator), Charles has an experienced based knowledge of the Clinical Research part of Drug Development.


He is an APPI/APCR Certified Principal Investigator (CPI in 2003 and recertification's to 2018). He is actively involved in giving talks, Webinars, courses and workshops giving the clinical investigator and staff an understanding and appreciation of the ethics as well as the science and regulations governing clinical research with drugs or devices. The end must be knowledge and keen observation to ensure drug safety.


Charles' active management experience in the medical research industry gives him first-hand practical experience and knowledge to develop Phase I, IIa confined study Clinical Pharmacology Units (CPU's). From experience and practical know-how the special needs of these units (from the floor plans to operational SOPs) has been of added value to those considering this venture. He has work experience in Device Studies and Pharmacovigilance. The later (PV) is of special interest as Phase I through Phase III do not guarantee drug safety. Actually this vigilance must start with the very first studies in human subjects.


Charles is a Fellow and Life Member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and Emeritus fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP) of which he was a Regent 1995-2000, Chairman of the 2001 annual meeting, and the 2004 recipient of the Nathaniel Kwitt Distinguished Service Award. He is an active member of the Association of Clinical Pharmacology Units (ACPU) of which he was a trustee (2007-2011) and chaired the successful 2010 annual meeting. He is also a member of the Academy of Physicians in Clinical Research (APCR) and the 2012 Chair of the Board to trustees of the Academy of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP).


Presently, he works part time in Urgent Care and is a 'waved' physician in The Addiction epidemic, Charles was an active squash player for 45 years, has been a committed Rotarian for 38 years, and a hobby photographer.






 Location: San Diego, CA Date:  January 18th & 19th, 2018 and Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM


VenueDoubleTree by Hilton San Diego Downtown   1646 Front St, San Diego, CA 92101, USA










Price: $1,295.00 (Seminar Fee for One Delegate)


Register now and save $200. (Early Bird)


Until December 10, Early Bird Price: $1,295.00 From December 11 to January 16, Regular Price: $1,495.00


Register for 5 attendees Price: $3,885.00 $6,475.00 You Save: $2,590.00 (40%)*


Register for 10 attendees   Price: $7,122.00 $12,950.00 You Save: $5,828.00 (45%)*




Sponsorship Program benefits for “Quality Assurance Auditing for FDA Regulated Industry” seminar


At this seminar, world-renowned FDA Regulated Industry subject matter experts interact with CXO’s of various designations. Executives who carry vast experience about FDA Regulated Industry and Experts get down to discussing industry-related best practices, regulatory updates, changes in technologies, and much more relating to FDA Regulated Industry.


As a sponsor of these seminars, you get the opportunity to have your product and company reach out to C-Level executives in FDA Regulatory -related industries and become known among these elite executives and subject matter experts. Apart from being seen prominently at these globally held seminars, you also get talked about frequently in our correspondences with our experts and these participants.


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