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The Blockchain is the distributed database technology of public ledger of transactions that maintains the continuous growing list of records named as blocks. The blockchain is the technology which is underpinning the Bitcoin Virtual currency and has come up with a various potential to accelerate the transitions. Owing to the growing demand for the applications of Blockchain, the IT, Corporate & Business industry is now in dire need for skilled professionals in this platform.
Now is the right time to step into the job market of Blockchain.
Attend Free Blockchain Demo Session In Hyderabad & get to know what skills & attributes are needed that would land you in the Blockchain job role of a Blockchain professional.
Kelly Technologies Blockchain Demo Sessions Take Away
Participants will get to interact with the experts from the Blockchain industry who will be guiding them in the best way possible to get success in the Blockchain platform. The take away of this demo session are
Intended Audience
The audience who wants to make a career in emerging technology and become "Industry-Expertise" must surely prefer attending this Demo on Blockchain by Kelly Technologies. The major targeted audiences are
As there are only limited numbers of seats hurry up and Enroll with our Free Demo Program on Blockchain On 29th Dec 10 AM at Kelly Technologies