"Remembering Steve" is an inter-college-Sciensation on Feb 24th 2017. The idea is to promote research based learning and 'learning by questioning' amongst college students. The event is being organized by fRndzZy and Sciensation.tv with support from MyPower and 108Events. Sciensation is a format inspired by Socrates’ Dialogic learning and Manthan process explained in Indian Philosophy.Sciensation can be thought of a hybrid – debate/quiz.
Inter-college Sciensation will critique Steve Jobs ideas around Business and Technology.
Part One- Analysis- Evolution of Emotions
P1- Steve Jobs understanding of R&D
P2- Steve Jobs understanding of Marketing (to sustain the R&D defined in P1)
P3- Steve Jobs understanding of Business (built on Marketing defined in P2)
Part Two- Synthesis- Application of Human Emotion
T1: Marketing
T2: Design
T3: Product Development
T4: Leadership
Brief format of the event:
• Students to brainstorm and discover newer perspectives of Steve Jobs Philosophy.
• They can evolve their worldview through a Dialogue.
• Initiates a healthy discussion around business and technology.
Undergraduate and Post graduate students can apply. A few inquisitive school students may be considered.
Contact Details:
Kashyap - 967 637 9966