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The Wellness Initiative (TWI) is a community of individuals, organisations and wellness professionals who believe that Health and Wellness should be an integral part of our life. While most people associate Health with its physical aspect - we believe that all the Seven Elements need to be addressed to achieve Wellness. Visit our website to know more about us.
The Health & Wellness Seminars are for all those who are concerned about the health & wellness of themselves and their families.
These series of Seminars bring together individuals & wellness professionals from a myriad of settings (e.g., worksites, community and public health organisations, healthcare fraternity) to participate, interact and network to develop a wellness community and engage in wellness activities for personal growth and renewal and experience a wellness immersion unlike any other.
Any individual who is concerned about any aspect of his / her overall Health & Wellness. Every seminar would be touching upon select aspects related to our wellbeing. These could be related to any one of the various elements of Wellness that we address.