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We would like to introduce you about 4 hours Motivational workshop "THE POWER OF SALES".
We are glad to introduce you to our upcoming public program on "THE POWER OF SALES", a unique and a motivational Program, T.I.G.E.R. SANTOSH NAIR (International Motivational Speaker) which is organized by Empower Trainers Pvt Ltd.
In These Workshop
T.I.G.E.R. Santosh Nair is considered to be the king of Sales. He has an average of 1:1 selling. When he started his career it used to be 50:1 i.e. he would go to 50 people and sell to one person. Over a period of time, he mastered the art and science of selling, made it 20:1, then 10:1, then 5:1, then 3:1 and ultimately today he has a meeting to closing ratio of 1:1.
How did this happen?
Why did it happen?
And what all needs to be done to make it happen?
All these and many more secrets of Sales in Network Marketing and what are the fundamental principles that need to be followed by each networker is what this program, The Power of Sales will be all about!