Book Online Tickets for Tinkering@Experient Science Labs, Bengaluru. The joy of making, expressing yourself creatively, the fun of giving shape to your ideas can not be expressed in words. Tinkering is all about that.  Application of science to create something useful is what tinkering is all about. Just try, if

Tinkering@Experient Science Labs


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About The Event

The joy of making, expressing yourself creatively, the fun of giving shape to your ideas can not be expressed in words. Tinkering is all about that.  Application of science to create something useful is what tinkering is all about. Just try, if you fail, try again - that is the key essence here. You would build these –

  1. Hover Craft*
  2. Roller Coaster
  3. Designed an object for 3D Printing
  4. Maglev Train*
  5. Line follower robot*
  6. Fastest finger first project*/ Dismantling and assembling an IC Engine
  7. Light sign*
  8. Water level switch*/Bike Assembly
  9. Vacuum cleaner*
  10. Bubble machine*
  11. Loud Speaker
  12. Paper Gliders and Planes (using Origami techniques)

If you have any tinkering idea, just bring it over and we would help you build that.

In this module, you would build electrical and electronics circuits, building mechanical system and assembling them, experienced how 3D printing enables building complex shapes and objects, etc. In the process you would learn about circuits, energy and forces, building prototypes and most importantly you will walk away with the confidence that you can create and build. Next time, you would not hesitate to imagine and give a shape to your imagination, though you might fail many times.

Duration: 24 hours (4 hours a day for 6 days)

Minimum Age: 12 years.

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