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Quest for zero rejection in every operation and service is our mission. Over a period of time complacency creeps in every organization. Delivering products with high quality — defined as “meeting specifications at the lowest possible cost” is a top priority for manufacturers and service providers
Zero defects should lead to direct measurable financial goals leading to higher
with lower Throughput time
Any process (be it in aerospace, electronics, automotive industry , telecom, banking and financial services, IT, HR, marketing) exhibits a degree of variation. This variation creates uncertainty in our ability to produce a desired outcome. Some variations- within limits might be okay. A little too much variation here or there, and you might have some repairs or rework on your hands. And too much altogether, and you’re either out of a job or out of business.
The measurement, analysis, and control of variation is the central theme to defect free products and services.
The program helps you develop “Cost of Quality model“ of your product / service by understanding every activity as a process.
A process is a series of activities or steps used to transform input(s) into output(s). When these processes are not managed effectively quality gets a beating and customer suffers and if the process is not controlled effectively we lose a customer.
One of the primary objectives of total quality control is to create processes in which individuals or groups “do it right the first time“ and “do the right things right” i.e. meeting or exceeding the expectations of customers both internal and external leading to elimination of wastes , rework , defects and ultimately conformance to valid product requirements.
Analytical problem solving approach helps us to constantly improve processes by building in feedback loop in every process. This feedback loop helps us to continuously evaluate and improve the processes, improve process capability , Process Sigma. Help us move from percent rejection to Defects per million.
Six Sigma initiatives focus on identifying hiddenfactory, First pass yield and Rolled throughput yield with focus on defect free process output without being scrapped or ever reworked
The 7 QC tools help us to constantly improve processes by building in feedback loop in every process. This feedback loop helps us to continuously evaluate and improve the processes :
The program coverage and contents of the workshop will be as follows:
The program is useful to all segments of industry incl Manufacturing , Quality , Procurement , HR , Sales , Hospitality . IT , Customer support , Logistics etc. : all sectors looking for improvement in their performance , yield and service with the ultimate growth in ROCE and Economic Value Addition.